My Life has a Superb Cast, but I cant Figure out the Plot...

Monday, 28 June 2010

Early Bird Catches the Worm

Please show a little gratitude, i got baby slug in my slipper for this!

I decided to go to the canal at 5am to catch beautiful shots of what happen in the everyday world when no humans were about?

it turn out rabbits run free, aswell as ducks, but they don't go near you! ( fair play to the ducks i had no bread for them!) but everything is so calm and peace full and full of nature! i feel gay as it is saying this as i prefer the city to the country but early mornings where its just you and the sunrise and animals it seams alot better then 5 pm, when all the dog walkers are there and humans!

So i put my bad camera to work and took some images i hope you enjoy :)

by the way i have increased the colour and contrast in some of the makes them look better ;)